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Ewe make me look beautiful

A Harley Street doctor has created a face-lift alternative…that uses sheep placenta instead of traditional surgery.

Injected into wrinkles in no time at all are extracts from the after-birth, resulting in skin that looks absolutely fresh.

Dr. Roberto Viel employs placentas due to their richness in stem cells that rejuvenate and repair other cells, along with fibroblasts that help increase collagen and elastin for firmer skin.

According to Dr. Viel, “The procedure might be uncomfortable but it’s not really painful. Plus, there’s no requirement for anaesthetic, unlike with a facelift…which enhances safety significantly.”

The treatment is priced around $1000, lasts for about 30 minutes, and the effects can be seen for approximately five months.

Aimee Lopez, 36, a secretary, shared her experience after receiving the injections on her face, stating, “I was amazed by how fantastic I felt afterwards. It was equivalent to having 12 facials simultaneously.”

Hold on there, Aimee! I can’t say everyone shares your open-mindedness…some secretaries have quite the reputation.

by John Jackson


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