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Colonel Gaddafi’s not all that bad

“Colonel Gaddafi is a down to earth bloke, and he’s not a big head”

While people may criticize Colonel Gaddafi, the truth is, he is quite an approachable person who doesn’t carry an inflated ego. Having held the title of Colonel for over 40 years and leading his nation, he hasn’t even seen the need to promote himself to General. What a character.

 HOWEVER, there’s another Colonel. One who has held the title of Colonel even longer, wields absolute authority, could easily call himself a General, and yet still maintains a humble demeanor. After all, we all despise arrogant individuals and wish for them to experience defeat.

Can you name this other Colonel?

The other Colonel who never sought a promotion… Colonel Saunders… he’s famously finger-lickin’ good, isn’t he? Well, perhaps not that finger-lickin’ good. I’ve encountered serious food poisoning multiple times at various KFC locations throughout my experiences.

Just think of the extra retirement benefits these gentlemen are forgoing by not advancing their ranks; their post-career quality of life could be significantly better.

To both Colonels… they may possess some flaws, but they are certainly not arrogant individuals.

I extend my salute to you.

by Buford Balony


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