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Adelaide Zoo in $600,000 bequest dispute

In the midst of a legal dispute involving a bequest exceeding $600,000, the Adelaide Zoo has become a focal point.

Adelaide Zoo

Seeking a larger portion of his adoptive father’s estate, Michael Thomas Bade, 59, has initiated action in the Supreme Court.

Following the death of Maurice John Bade in November 2011, he and his wife received only $14,000 from the will.

According to court documents, the remainder of the $650,000 estate was bequeathed to the Royal Zoological Society, which manages the Adelaide and Monarto Zoos.

In his claim, Michael Bade asserts that he was a devoted and caring son, yet feels inadequately provided for regarding his future.

In response, the Society defends its position as a deserving beneficiary, stating that the funds from bequests are essential for the conservation of its 1800 animals and 300 species at risk of extinction.

The Society mentioned it faced financial struggles in 2010 and 2011, with debts exceeding $20 million.

“During this period, the zoo’s financial status was widely reported negatively, leading to a decline in visitor numbers, which further harmed the zoo’s financial stability,” the Society stated.

“State Government funding contributes approximately 25 percent to our revenue. Other significant income sources include fundraising, donations, bequests, retail sales, and admission fees.

“Contributions and bequests to the Zoo are utilized for initiatives and activities focused on species conservation.

“The governance of the Zoo is overseen by a volunteer board representing its members. In light of recent financial difficulties, a comprehensive five-year business strategy has been devised by the board and management team.

“A central component of the Zoo’s strategy focuses on restoring its image, brand, and financial health to create revenue opportunities, thereby ensuring future investments in the organization.”

The Society contended that Mr. Bade does not have a legitimate claim to a larger portion of the inheritance.

The trial is scheduled for September.


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