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A wee whisky

The designer behind this creation, James Gilpin, has come up with a biomedical drink called “Gilpin Family Whisky,” crafted from the high-sugar urine of elderly diabetes patients, including that of his own grandmother.

Being diabetic himself, Gilpin employs water purification methods to filter the urine, eliminating the sugars in the process, which are then used during fermentation.

The high-sugar urine from diabetic patients is now repurposed for crafting premium single malt whisky for export. The whisky industry is outpacing the growth of any other alcoholic beverage globally. With a notable genetic predisposition causing a rise in type two diabetes in the northern hemisphere, economists have identified a new commodity to take advantage of and are eager to tap into this resource swiftly.

Unsurprisingly, Gilpin does not intend to commercially market the whisky made from urine; it is primarily conceived as an art project. However, if you are curious to sample this unique creation, Gilpin will showcase it at the 100% materials design event in London this September, complete with tasting opportunities.

I can’t pissing wait.


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