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The Music Industry in WA hasn’t got a clue

Gozzy Rock 2011 has come and gone…so, have we gained anything in terms of the musical landscape from Western Australia?

Certainly, there were a few unexpected benefits, but there was a considerable amount of mediocrity, and it’s apparent that the so-called ‘Music Industry’ individuals who judged the competition are quite out of touch!

It’s no surprise that a genuine music scene is lacking here.

It’s no wonder that people in WA eagerly await bands from elsewhere to visit and perform.

It’s also not surprising that bands with any standing wish to perform here. Let’s be honest: the primary reason overseas bands make their way to WA is for a vacation…the sun…there might be other reasons, yet the essence remains that there is no commendable music scene, and it’s largely attributed to those in the music industry that permit dubious acts to underperform.

Anyway… regarding Gozzy Rock… there were 30 bands reviewed, out of which 16 advanced to the second round. This led to 4 heats with 2 bands progressing from each, culminating in a final lineup of 8 bands.

The judges selected their 8 bands for the final held at the Centennial Pioneer Park amphitheatre on Saturday, February 26, from 1 PM to 8 PM.

Stillwater Giants emerged victorious, with Gombo finishing in second place and The Kings and Sons receiving the encouragement award. I’m uncertain about the specifics of the encouragement award, but if I were to offer some advice…IT’S TIME TO QUIT THE BAND! …Goodness, they were awful…but not entirely their fault. Sure, their mediocrity is theirs, yet the individuals responsible for advancing them…as I’ve noted before…are quite clueless.

The Kings and Sons made it through the second round heats along with Jake and the Cowboys. They delivered a 20-minute set that felt as though Julia Gillard had read War and Peace to me…it just seemed to drag on endlessly. They just kept going…and going…

There was absolutely nothing remarkable about these bands…utterly disappointing. The two bands that advanced were simply the wrong choices. Pound, on the other hand, genuinely appeared to be putting their all into it. While I might label The Cunts and Sons as contrived, they are actually beyond that…trust me. In contrast, Pound delivered catchy tunes with genuine meaning. They exuded confidence on stage and performed great songs that felt original, albeit with a few influences sprinkled in. They were a band to remember…with memorable songs…and a compelling stage presence.

For Pound not to proceed…it just seems the judges missed the mark that night.

When Gombo performed, there were also bands named Hey Hurricane and Buffalo Everything. Although they belonged to distinct genres, both epitomized live guitar music.

Hey Hurricane might not be the best band I’ve ever encountered, far from it. However, they left a lasting impression. They had the same 20 minutes as everyone else, and they truly seized the moment and went for it. They brought to mind The Libertines. HH didn’t care whether anyone was watching; they charged through their songs…though it felt more like they were using a lawnmower to bulldoze, they were indeed bulldozing…unlike the majority of other bands in the competition. They even had some young girls at the front dancing, which, believe me, is quite a highlight in Gosnells on a weeknight.

Buffalo Everything,They were exceptional musicians with impressive songs. While they didn’t pursue their craft like Hey Hurricane, it was unnecessary for them to do so. They were reminiscent of a heavier Jamiroquai… and that was fantastic.

Although Jake and the Cuntboys and The Kings and Cunts reached the finals, these bands were not part of the ultimate competition. I don’t wish to continue criticizing them, but their performance was truly terrible…if you were present…it was no laughing matter…I’m now on medication due to it.

The judges also made other errors in the earlier heats.

Despite that, they were nearly correct in the final. Gombo were outstanding and, in my opinion, deserved the win. Their music is intelligent, sharp… and truly unpredictable… excellent material.

I believe they’ve been together for about a year. I encourage everyone to go check them out… I’ll keep you updated soon.

I did have a conversation with a representative from Gosnells council involved in Gozzy Rock 2011. I inquired why The Kings and Sons were selected, to which she replied, “I think the judges were looking for something different.”

After sharing a laugh, I expressed my disbelief at this statement.

For a few years now, I’ve been watching and writing about bands from various backgrounds. This doesn’t imply they were bad, and I don’t have the right to impose my musical views on others, yet I told the Gozzy Rock spokesperson that the bands were terrible. She hesitated for a moment… then whispered to me, “I thought they were terrible, too,” followed by a giggle.

The finalists included Wrongtown, Gombo, Ticket for Two, Here Come the Cavalry, The Kings and Sons, Jake and the Cowboys, Between Oceans, and Stillwater Giants. As I mentioned, Stillwater Giants were decent, Gombo were amazing, and the rest were… largely forgettable.

Now, let’s discuss the seemingly professional bands that performed at Gozzy Rock 2011.

Optamus was the headliner and brought a fresh sound.

Their quality is evident… and by that, I mean they sound quite professional. They belong to the hip-hop genre. And like everyone, they clearly have their influences. White rappers might draw some inspiration from Eminem… although that’s just speculation. They blend Rhythm and Blues with a modern twist.

Hip-hop has its roots in working-class, lower-class backgrounds. While it has evolved, these ‘wannabe urbanites’ often resemble many bands I’ve encountered in Western Australia… they seem contrived.

Don’t misunderstand me; they sounded fine, and their performance was solid; however, as previously stated, Gombo stood out as the best band that day. Yet, as Optamus progressed into their third song… it became dull, lacking genuine quality in the songwriting. Perhaps I’m just not grasping it.

Looking at their promotional images… it’s easy to see what I’m referring to when I mention that these middle-class guys attempt to present themselves as working-class. The music reflects this as well, echoing similar sentiments. The Libertines have a lyric that goes, “Poor men dressing like they’re rich…Mugs, rich men dressing like they’re poor…Oh my God, White kids talkin’ like they’re black…”, which captures the essence.

I don’t intend to criticize them harshly, but this entire Gozzy Rock fiasco has genuinely affected me this year… it sends the wrong message, so my frustration extends to everyone involved. Though, I assure you, Optamus aren’t nearly as bad as my portrayal might suggest.

They are set to perform alongside the Chemical Brothers at the Future Music Festival in Joondalup soon, as well as Pendulum and Mark Ronson, so they’ll be mingling with good ‘middle to upper class’ company.

City of Gosnells Mayor Olwen Searle expressed that this year’s bands were fantastic and the judge’s scores were extremely close.

“At the end of the heats, only eight bands could proceed to the final, which promises to be a grand celebration of youth and WA music,” she remarked.

This is Gosnells, my dear. It isn’t really a celebration of anything. This event was marketed as a drug and alcohol-free one-day festival, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but… rock music will suffer if these aspects are removed… I mean, not a single Bogan was present.

Perhaps next year it would be better to cancel the festival… oh… who am I kidding… I’ll be there, raving about a couple of bands I enjoy, criticizing the rest, and lamenting the inability to sip a beer while watching bands perform outdoors in sweltering 38-degree heat.

by Wallace McTavish


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