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New Radiohead album, ‘The King Of Limbs’ is released

An unexpected announcement came from the middle-class band regarding the imminent release of their new album.

The collection, titled The King Of Limbs, has been introduced by Thom Yorke and the band.

This weekend, fans can download it from their website, with a physical release scheduled for May 9.

The complete release of the album will be presented as what the band refers to as a ‘Newspaper Album’.

This package will feature “Two clear 10″ vinyl records enclosed in a purpose-built sleeve, a compact disc, several large sheets of artwork, 625 tiny pieces of artwork, and a full-colour piece of oxo-degradable plastic to hold everything together.”

Pretentious? Nah.

This album follows 2007’s In Rainbows, which was made available for download on a ‘pay-what-you-like’ basis.

by Wallace McTavish


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