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Insane Clown Posse start their own ‘Facebook’

The duo Insane Clown Posse has created their own variant of Facebook.

Known for their fiercely devoted followers called ‘Juggalos’, the rappers have launched a social networking site named

Users can register on the platform and engage with each other, utilizing many features similar to those of the well-known networking site.

It was disclosed last year that the FBI has officially categorized ‘Juggalos’ as a criminal gang.

The FBI’s 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment Report (NGTAR) identified Juggalos as a “concern to law enforcement” due to their “general destructive and violent nature”.

According to the NGTAR report: “Many crimes associated with Juggalos tend to be sporadic, disorganized, individualistic, often involving simple assaults, personal drug use and possession, petty theft, and vandalism. However, open-source reports indicate that a small faction of Juggalos is forming more structured groups and partaking in more gang-like criminal behavior, such as felony assaults, theft, robberies, and drug trafficking.”

The fan community, who frequently wear clown make-up reminiscent of Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope, organizes an annual festival called ‘The Gathering of the Juggalos’. This year’s festival is scheduled to occur in Illinois and will feature performances, karaoke, wrestling, and a variety of other activities.

Last year, former White Stripes frontman Jack White collaborated with Insane Clown Posse to release their single ‘Leck Mich Im Arse’ through his Third Man Records label.

by Wallace McTavish


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