Recently, Piers Morgan interviewed Elton John for a British television show.
It’s probably quite typical for someone like Sir Elton to undertake interviews for such programs.
However, this is when Elton John displays his flamboyant nature…or perhaps he’s just being an insufferable show-off.
His dressing room demands included: four large green plants, three 6ft banqueting tables covered in white linen, along with a floral arrangement…which absolutely must not contain chrysanthemums, lilies, carnations, or daisies.
While it’s clear he has more wealth than a small continent, is such extravagance really necessary?
It seems Elton is heavily involved in charity work and plays a significant role in fundraising for various organizations…and good for him, I guess. You know, playing the piano is work, being adored is work, having your ego stroked is work, and being pampered by everyone is extremely taxing…I can assure you. What would poor old Elton do without his “requirements”?
This old fruit wouldn’t recognize hard work if it were right in front of him.
Listen, Elton…do us all a favor: next time there’s a charity concert, why not donate your “requirements” for your television work, along with all the other “requirements” for the dressing rooms you’ll occupy over the next year?
Yes, I acknowledge your entertainment value, but honestly…most of us cannot endure the charade of you getting on stage and pretending to be genuine…because that’s all it amounts to.
And I hate to break it to you, Elton, but you’re just one visit to a South American tribe from being as much of a pain as Sting.
by Wallace McTavish