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Debbie Harry is still ‘well worth a wank’

Since her band’s prominence in the late 70s and early 80s, Debbie Harry has aged gracefully.

The music also continues to feel lively.

However, there are a few lackluster tracks on her latest album, ‘Panic Of Girls’, that seem to struggle to align with contemporary music trends. It feels like an effort to play a role that doesn’t suit her. Most people will recognize this as artificial and ultimately…well…poor quality.

On the other hand, the tracks ‘Mother’, ‘Marnie’, and ‘Sunday Smile’ blend nicely with her classic Blondie hits. Naturally, they will never reach classic status. Thus, if you choose to purchase this album, you will need to give these songs a bit more attention than usual.

You may find yourself listening to the album once and then forgetting about it, but it will at least inspire a desire to revisit an old Blondie record. And if you don’t own any Blondie tracks, then shame on you…go grab some…NOW!

by Wallace McTavish


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