Cuntney Love would kill Kurt if he was alive

Living off a dead rock-star doesn’t seem to be enough for rock whore Courtney Love, as she still has to moan about him in a recent interview.

The 47-year-old mother says she still carries anger that Kurt Cobain killed himself back in 1994 by shooting himself in the head. Even though there has been some evidence that another person may have been present.

Speaking to the publication, the Hole singer mused that she would ‘kill’ the Nirvana frontman if ‘he came back right now’.

She said: ‘Mad? Ya think?! If he came back right now I’d have to kill him, for what he did to us. I’d fucking kill him. I’d fuck him, and then I’d kill him,’ she says.

Except Kurt would not want to fuck you, Courtney. Because you are a talentless whore-cunt.

‘He OD’d at least five times. I was the fucking E.M.S. (Emergency Medical Services). I was always sticking pins in his balls. I carried around Narcan!’ she added.

Courtney, a renowned drug addict, also opens up about her parenting regrets and money troubles. In 2008, Love claimed that fraudsters used Cobain’s details to buy a $3m mansion and steal up to $72m. She is still obsessed to this day with what she calls ‘the fraud’ and admits at times it has overtaken her relationship with her daughter Frances Bean, who was just two years old when her father took his own life.

‘It was my fault! I never read to her,’ Love admitted, addressing her daughter’s inability to read until the age of seven. But it was probably something to do with the fact that you were using heroin…and are as good as being a mother as you are being in a band…fucking shit.

She continued to lament her mistakes, saying:‘Why didn’t I ever take her to a Broadway show? She fucking loved those Broadway musicals!’

Love’s relationship with Frances has been a turbulent one.

After overdosing in 2003, Courtney temporarily lost custody of Frances Bean Cobain when she was just 13 years old.

In the aftermath she went to live with her grandmother, Kurt’s mother Wendy O’Connor. Two years later Love regained custody of Frances…but in 1999 it was reported she had lost custody of her again.

Kurt had left you, and so did your daughter. The only people that surround you is ‘yes’ people. You know, the fake people…people who are just like you.

Aged 17, she went to live with her grandmother again and Love took to Twitter to beg her daughter to return.

At the time her spokesman insisted Love had been ‘clean for years’ and that ‘strong-willed’ Frances had taken the decision on her own to live with her grandmother.

However, legal guardianship was placed with O’Connor until Frances turned 18 last year.

by Wallace McTavish


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