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Cheryl Cole…rubbish, but sexy

Recently divorced from England soccer star Ashley Cole, Cheryl Cole has a new tattoo to signify a fresh chapter in her life.

The design features flowers intricately entwined with barbed wire around her thigh.

Despite moving forward, she candidly shares that she tends to reach out to her exes via calls and texts when under the influence.

Currently, Cheryl is busy promoting her new single, Promise, which entails numerous television appearances, interviews, and unfortunately, a lot of lip-syncing.

Regrettably, I can’t guarantee that her devoted fans will rally to support her single, potentially leading to Cheryl fading from the spotlight, much like various other less talented figures who label themselves as celebrities.

If she chooses to wear minimal clothing while promoting the single, then perhaps it won’t matter much whether she performs authentically or not.

Cheryl Cole… a glamorous figure lacking any discernible musical skill.

by Wallace McTavish


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