Annie Lennox is shit…even if she became a lesbian

Singer Annie Lennox says life would be easier if she was a lesbian, because blokes are such a let down.

Twice divorced Annie, 55, said she feared never finding true love and that sometimes wished she was gay. She added, “For 90, maybe even 95% of women, men are a huge disappointment.

This may be true Annie…but let’s be honest about this, your entire back catalogue, your whole musical career has been one big ‘fuck up’ for us all.

Disappointed isn’t the word I’d use for your  music…shit is the word. And you’re not even a very good performer…maybe that’s why blokes have let you down because, you know…you just don’t perform.

And the creative one…dickhead Dave Stewart, is even worse than you. Because he actually believes that he’s good.

Christ, being in a band with him…no wonder you think all blokes are idiots.

There isn’t one classic tune in any of your recorded pieces. Have I said enough…probably.

I’m not even anti-Scottish…as you’ll see from my name below. I’m such anti-shit-music.

Listen Annie, if it might improve your songwriting, then please, go and be a lesbian…whatever rocks your boat, love…but try and keep it to yourself, because the rest of us don’t really want to hear it.

by Wallace McTavish


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