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Plain: Simple Wear But Cool Advocacy

So much to rethink and reflect upon has been presented by the pandemic — our systems, routines, and lifestyle have all undergone scrutiny. Change is a constant, and adaption is essential. Historical evidence shows us the cyclical nature of trends and innovations throughout the ages. Consequently, our desire for the new has spurred an uptick in consumerism (and as the global population grows, consumerism will naturally rise too).

This surge in consumerism has resulted in an increase in global waste, leading to ongoing struggles among environmentalists and governments. Previously, the mantra was the 3 Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), but the focus has shifted to the zero-waste movement.

Embracing such a lifestyle can prove challenging as we become aware of the vast amounts of waste produced by nearly every product we desire or require. However, taking small initial steps is always an option. After all, small ripples can lead to significant waves of change.

An example of this is the Plain brand, which offers minimalist clothing ideal for those preferring simplicity in their lives. Although it is not a local brand (specifically from Los Angeles), it does ship worldwide. Every purchase at Plain contributes to tree-planting initiatives aimed at environmental conservation. This appealing advocacy ensures that shoppers will not experience buyer’s remorse.

Several other brands like Simple have adopted a more eco-friendly approach, even utilizing CBD products to create fabrics for clothing.

Amid the multitude of online shopping platforms, this particular ecommerce model stands out positively. The tree-planting advocacy aligns perfectly with the brand’s emphasis on a minimalist lifestyle. Minimalism is believed to benefit the environment by reducing carbon footprints. Many of the products sold by Plain L.A. embody the minimalist theme, both aesthetically and functionally.

In addition to straightforward fashion pieces, Plain L.A. also provides accessories for both fashion and iPhone technology. The brand maintains a presence on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, making it easy to stay updated. Furthermore, they offer a news section and blog as well.


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