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6 Jobs That Will Keep You in Shape

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Matthew Talboys/

6 Jobs That Will Keep You in Shape

For those who are indifferent about deskwork, sedentary jobs may be acceptable. The increasing number of Americans working behind desks poses health risks associated with prolonged sitting. Whether you’re seated at a desk, behind the wheel, or in front of a computer display, long periods of sitting can lead to health issues comparable to smoking and obesity. There are numerous health benefits to moving more and sitting less. Consider ways to enhance activity levels, such as taking solo hikes, engaging in at-home workouts, or incorporating housekeeping into daily routines to maintain good health.

However, if the thought of a desk job is unappealing, consider these jobs that promote physical fitness.

  1. Security Guard

Most roles as security guards do not involve sitting at a desk. Instead, they typically require patrolling properties in a security uniform to deter criminal activity and identify threats.

Security guards can be found in various establishments and facilities, which include hospitals, retail outlets, banks, office complexes, nightclubs, and many other types of organizations. Even if monitoring surveillance cameras is part of the job, patrolling the premises is often necessary, providing ample opportunity for physical activity. However, the level of activity can vary from one security position to another. Being overweight can hinder your ability to carry out job responsibilities or protect yourself during confrontational situations.

  1. Police Officer

Depending on the police department, some officers are more active based on the number of calls they respond to. In agencies that handle fewer calls, officers may spend more time in their vehicles. Nevertheless, police officers generally maintain a higher level of activity compared to those in desk roles.

While on patrol, police officers respond to emergencies and routine calls that may lead to walking through schools or examining expansive areas while dressed in law enforcement uniforms and carrying various heavy equipment. Officers assigned to units focused on gangs, drug enforcement, or major crimes might spend long hours working undercover, probing significant offenses. SWAT team members likely engage in the highest levels of activity due to their regular drills and the demanding nature of their roles.

Every police officer needs to be ready to react swiftly. They may have to chase suspects or assist individuals in emergencies, such as car accidents. Remember, numerous other scenarios also require police officers to maintain an active approach.

To become a police officer, passing a physical fitness test is usually required. Some law enforcement agencies mandate that officers regularly pass fitness tests to qualify for promotions. It’s a challenging yet fulfilling career that can keep you fit or encourage you to stay active.

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  1. Firefighter

Similar to police officers, firefighters often experience periods of quiet, but their work can escalate from calm to urgent in an instant. Firefighters typically work 24-hour shifts since there are times when they can rest during non-emergency periods. Nevertheless, if you’re part of a busy fire department, restful nights might be rare.

Like police officers, individuals aspiring to be firefighters must successfully complete both written examinations and physical assessments.A test that typically includes climbing a ladder while carrying 40 to 70 pounds of equipment. This isn’t just any ladder; it’s an engine ladder that can reach several stories high.

To effectively wear all that gear and battle fires or carry an unconscious individual out of a building, firefighters must maintain a high level of physical fitness. As a result, many firefighters choose to work out during their days off to meet the job’s demanding physical standards.

The job itself is exhilarating and contributes to physical fitness.

  1. Waiter or Waitress

In the role of a waiter or waitress, the pace at work is consistently brisk. Employees dart between the kitchen and patrons, serving several people simultaneously while cleaning up after closing. The influx of customers is relentless, and even during quieter times, there are always tasks like cleaning and restocking to be done.

Servers are on their feet for extended periods, frequently carrying hefty trays loaded with food and drinks. Being fit facilitates this role, and if one’s background is in a desk job, there’s a chance to shed a few pounds. Maintaining an active pace also helps stave off boredom, making it a favorable scenario for many.

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Lucky Business/

  1. Dog Walker

For those who love animals and desire a job that promotes physical activity, being a dog walker may be the ideal choice. The profession of dog walking has gained popularity as many individuals seek someone to exercise their pets during work hours.

As a dog walker, handling multiple dogs simultaneously is common. You can relish exploring various recreational spaces, sidewalks, and even rural hiking trails. For individuals preferring outdoor environments over indoors, dog walking offers that opportunity while supporting physical fitness.

  1. Landscaper

Landscaping jobs often attract young enthusiasts of the outdoors, but people of all ages appreciate the activity and scenery. Landscapers engage in a wide array of tasks each day, such as mowing lawns, trimming trees, tending to flower beds, and performing other garden maintenance. They frequently utilize heavy tools and may even work on installing lighting, concrete, and water features. This job is suitable for individuals at all skill levels who want to work outdoors and stay physically active.

These are just a few examples of occupations that can help maintain your fitness levels and positively influence your overall health. Staying active lowers the risk of mortality related to various health issues and diseases. Furthermore, engaging in outdoor work and exercise is beneficial for mental well-being as well.


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