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The worlds noisiest penis

Scientists have discovered that the lesser water boatman holds the title of the loudest creature in the world, thanks to the insect’s noisy ‘singing penis’.

At the Society for Experimental Biology Annual Conference in Glasgow, a team of biologists and engineers reported that this 2mm long insect can generate a racket measuring 99.2 decibels, equivalent to the sound produced by a full orchestra at its peak volume.

This makes the bug, scientifically known as Micronecta scholtzi, the loudest animal on the planet when considering its body size.

While trying to attract mates, the male water boatman creates sound by rubbing its penis against its abdomen while submerged in water.

Although 99 percent of the noise dissipates as it travels from the riverbed to the surface, the singing is still sufficiently loud for people strolling along the banks to hear.

According to Dr. James Windmill from the University of Strathclyde’s Centre for Ultrasonic Engineering: ‘We were quite surprised. Initially, we assumed that the sound was generated by larger aquatic creatures.

‘Once we clearly identified the source of the sound, we dedicated considerable time to ensuring that our recordings were accurately calibrated.

‘When you compare the sound level they produce to their body size, there’s no question that they are the loudest animals on Earth.’

In terms of overall loudness, the blue whale tops the list, with a song that can reach up to 188 decibels.


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