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Women in the media love to wave their arms about

While I anticipate being labeled a sexist or racist, my intention is to comprehend the ongoing coverage surrounding current news dramas.

As a senior citizen exceeding seventy years, it’s important to mention that I also experience a slight hearing impairment. So, what is it that troubles me regarding the so-called expert reporters, columnists, writers, and various other media figures?

Here’s my point… nearly all the news reports and opinions come from men. Some deliver their insights expertly, while others merely speculate about the situation, often supported by graphs and statistics that frequently lack accuracy. However, these individuals sit or stand with their hands still and speak at a deliberate pace, allowing us older, slower, and aging individuals to grasp what is being conveyed.

Women who talk with their hands

On the other hand, the women often cannot express a single thought without animatedly waving their hands, arms, upper bodies, and heads. This overwhelming display can distract from their message and makes it difficult for the elderly to focus on what they are trying to communicate—some even blink after every word.

Is it too much to expect women to stand still and refrain from behaving like Tic Tac bookmakers at the races?




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