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The rules of law must apply

Do you recall the significant riots and unrest that occurred prior to the Olympics in London, which spread to various UK cities?

Currently, we are witnessing violence and riots in the Middle East. One might ask, what is the reason behind all this chaos?

Unfortunately, there will always be individuals who thrive on turmoil, including troublemakers and those looking to exploit unrest. Looters and thieves seize the opportunity to profit from the chaos. Moreover, terrorists may exploit governmental instability to further their agendas. Additionally, foolish individuals who create videos that attack the beliefs of peaceful individuals only serve to exacerbate the situation.

What insights can we derive from history, particularly from the experiences of Londoners who have faced riots in the past?

The solution lies in adhering to the existing laws. Middle Eastern governments must ensure that their police forces are mobilized to apprehend and prosecute the ringleaders.

Embassies abroad should refrain from deploying their own military and security forces to counter the troublemakers. Instead, local governments can detain the ringleaders, reinforcing the laws and judiciary to signal that society is committed to protecting the rights of both its citizens and foreign guests.

The rule of law is essential. We all possess the freedom of speech, but it comes with responsibilities and consequences.

The United States should exercise patience and allow the governments of Libya and Yemen to fulfill their roles in capturing the offenders.

by TOG


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