In January, you will get a notification regarding your assets evaluated against your pension eligibility. This indicates that my pension is going to be halted. Due to my savings, private pension, and future planning, I will face penalties for being prudent.
Recently, a politician has faced threats of his $100,000 pension being discontinued. Most senior politicians benefit from substantial private pensions, allowing them to cope with the loss of their state pension. So why single out the regular workers who dedicate years to their jobs, hoping to save enough for a secure future?
Budget deficits should not be addressed by taking mere cents from the working class – the focus should be on those at the top. CEOs, executives, and affluent business owners reaping millions should be the ones targeted.
What is occurring in Australia? Did we cast our votes for a system that mixes communism and capitalism? I doubt we chose to have our finances siphoned away. How was it possible for a proposal to reduce pensioners’ incomes to pass through the establishment, and why did the representatives we elected decide to betray us?
Pensioners have labored diligently, paid taxes, and are not accountable for the country’s deficit. The individuals who voted to withdraw our funds are, in fact, those responsible for squandering millions of dollars from our nation.
Foreign aid… lavish excursions at our expense for politicians – errors, errors, extravagant construction blunders, and poor expense management. What a disservice Australia is doing to its own citizens.
While the elite enjoy their luxuries, many others face hardship. Shame on all of you dwelling in your million-dollar residences.
Wishing a Merry Christmas to all pensioners everywhere.
by TOG