At the moment, like many others, I have been tuning into the news programmes.
The situation in the UK, USA, and Europe mirrors that of the global scene—news primarily revolving around the virus, reiterating the same tired narratives. Is anyone under the impression that we are merely biding our time to become a statistic?
The UK presents us with graphs and projections of potential outcomes, while the USA seems focused on posing questions when all we truly desire are definitive answers.
A plethora of platitudes fails to deliver any real information.
Here in Australia, we receive updates not only on the Virus but also about conditions across Asia. For months, the UK and the USA inundated us with coverage on the issues in Hong Kong, yet it has now become a rare topic of discussion.
Indeed, there are unanswered questions, but our politicians appear to be speaking honestly…for a change…(did I really just say that?)
How close are we to discovering an antidote? The truth is, we don’t know. However, I am aware that our scientists are tirelessly pursuing an answer.
Let’s cut through the confusion and fake news; we need to be informed about the concerning realities and happenings both domestically and in Asia. In the USA, the story isn’t just the news itself, but how reporters twist every narrative to critique their President.
Aren’t they aware that the world is observing their actions? I am shocked by their lack of solidarity for a man grappling with the greatest crisis any president has faced thus far—shame on them.
Every time, I choose the Aussie spirit of collaboration and mate-ship.
by TOG