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Is it Presidential Elect, Dallas or Neighbours

The latest updates on the Presidential Election bring to mind an episode reminiscent of Dallas or perhaps an installment of Neighbours.

In America, it’s possible for citizens to elect a Trump and then dedicate countless pages of news and broadcast coverage criticizing the very man they chose to lead. It truly instills a sense of pride to witness democracy in action.

Abe Lincoln remarked that democracy is of the people, by the people, and for the people. This holds true, as only in America can masses of women march and display slogans challenging the nation’s leader. It is equally unique to see both actors and politicians express open disdain for their president.

Consider the scenario if these demonstrators were present in Moscow, Beijing, Cairo, Tehran, or even Saudi Arabia, where opposing the King in Thailand could lead to severe consequences – bodies would indeed be in the streets.

In the USA, we are witnessing democracy functioning effectively. Rather than continuing to resist the wishes of the majority, it’s essential to appreciate the privileges we enjoy and take pride in living in a nation capable of electing a Trump.

Who knows, he may end up surprising us all.

After all, after observing the films and actors nominated for Oscars, I anticipated much larger crowds protesting against films that should never have made the cut. My personal pick for an Oscar was Amy Adams, yet once again, it’s Meryl Streep receiving her 95th nomination – perhaps this time her award is for rallying the demonstrators!

Even the Academy cannot overlook awarding her a Trump.

I eagerly await the next episode… will JR, Bobby, and Sue Ellen be seen holding placards to ban Trump from South Fork?

What will be the next location for protests, and who will be targeted next?

Are you tuning into Fox or CNN… help.

by TOG


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