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Are our children safe?

With sadness, I express my absolute disgust regarding today’s judiciary.

Once again, a top judge has chosen to release a dangerous child molester back into our community.

Despite having received a lengthy sentence, a judge for his own known motives has opted to let this scum roam our cities. You can rest assured this molester will not be found in the neighborhoods where the judge lives.

I have previously raised this matter, pointing out when our judges and their supportive teams of do-gooders released past offenders. I highlighted that accountability should be enforced for their decisions. The grave responsibility of releasing felons who prey on our children should carry penalties if the felon re-offends.

Let us send the judges and all their so-called professional and medical advisors to prison to serve out the full sentence of the molesters. They must be made accountable.

Child molesters won’t pose a threat to senile old judges or to medical mumbo-jumbo do-gooders who decide to free these criminals. However, they should rightfully fear us, the ordinary citizens, who must endure their insane and repugnant choices.

We need to insist that our politicians implement laws imposing severe penalties and consequences on those responsible for the foolish decisions to release anyone who harms children.

I encourage you to utilize the comments section to share your thoughts on our lawmakers, or to write to your own local politicians.

by TOG


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