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Advance Australia, or are we going backwards

Approximately thirty years ago, I found joy in the free spirit of Australia. People voiced their opinions and engaged in discussions.

They came together and acted appropriately, refusing to be complacent.

How far have we truly come today?

Nearby, there is a beautiful pre-school and primary school that boasts lovely grounds and a sports field. Regrettably, each morning before school starts, dog walkers use the greens as public bathrooms. In spite of the repeated warnings and notices posted by the school, these inconsiderate individuals continue to desecrate the play areas.

During recess, children play, chase one another, and kick balls amid the droppings left by dog owners who seem indifferent to the future of our youth.

In the past, litter tossed aside would have elicited a response from our peers, with remarks like, “Have you lost something, mate?” But today, that sentiment has been replaced by apathy.

In European supermarkets, borrowing a trolley requires a Euro, which is refunded when the trolley is returned. Years ago, everyone took the initiative to return the trolley to the designated parking area. Nowadays, trolleys are left abandoned at will.

Have we genuinely progressed over the years, or have we become indifferent louts who prioritize laziness?

Is caring about the mess we create too great an effort, or is it too much to ask to spare a few moments considering the needs of a fellow Australian who may need a trolley or a safe place for their children to play?

Progress, from my perspective, appears to lean towards a state of laziness, scruffiness, indifference, and thoughtlessness from individuals who, in the past, would have brought shame to the name of Australians.

It’s time to shape up and show respect for our country.

by TOG


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