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Above the Law?


Parliament Square is engulfed in flames, with Big Ben surrounded by fire, while there are attacks on the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. This could either be labeled as arson or treason, representing a threat to the monarchy.

No, it’s just students, and as we all understand, they believe themselves to be above the law.

They argue that the blame lies with the MPs, presenting a wide range of reasons—though not excuses—for their criminal actions. Yes, for you and me, these are crimes. If we were involved, we would face arrest and sentencing… we would become criminals, but we don’t have the title of ‘student.’

Attending university offers an opportunity for a better lifestyle, a pathway to join the ranks of higher wage earners in society, along with the privilege of evading prosecution for criminal behaviors.

They claim it’s a struggle, a lot of hard work, and that they live on meager incomes.

Prison is filled with individuals who faced difficult beginnings. If only they had been students, they could justify their criminal actions, and society might respond with understanding.

Do I have concern for the royalty? Not at all. Am I invested in student grants? No. Do I care about the destruction of London? Absolutely not.

So why express my grievances? It’s because these insufferable students consistently evade consequences… I say jail them all; they might learn something valuable.


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