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Who says I love you first?

Who typically expresses “I love you” first?

Is it men or women?

According to sixty-four percent of people, it’s believed that women say it before men. However, a survey conducted in the United States revealed that MEN are generally more inclined to declare their love first.

Besides being more likely to utter “I love you,” men also confessed to contemplating a love confession six weeks earlier than their female counterparts, stated study co-author Josh Ackerman, a psychologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This study, comprised of interviews with 205 heterosexual men and women and set to be published in the June edition of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, concludes that differences in gender regarding the timing and purpose of saying “I love you” are linked to whether the couple has engaged in sexual relations.

“While men may express love more impulsively, the meanings of love differ significantly between genders,” Ackerman mentioned during an interview.

Men indicated they felt substantially happier than women upon hearing “I love you” after one month in the relationship, provided they had not yet had sex. Conversely, women reported feeling more pleased than men when they heard “I love you” after sexual activity had begun in the relationship.

Researchers propose that this suggests men enjoy hearing “I love you” before sex because it may indicate a forthcoming advance in the relationship that includes intimacy, while women perceive “I love you” post-sex as a signal of commitment.

by Susan Floyd


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