Sex facts – the truth about what goes on between the sheets

Sixty-four per cent of women and 20% of men fake it in bed, a survey reveals.

A quarter of women resort to role play and 42% of men think of others during sex. So if your partner made the earth move for you, don’t give them a kiss…give them an Oscar.

Below are the other results of the survey:

10% of women make love five times a week. That’s more than 20 times a month. The most sexually active people are aged 20-29, 45% of them have sex 6-19 times a month. Five times a week isn’t abnormal but only tends to happen when you’re young and you’ve just met someone.

42% of men fantasise while having sex. And 28% of women also think of someone else while they’re at it. It’s normal and there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s not easy sleeping with the same person your whole life, and this can keep things fresh and sexy…but don’t tell your partner.

40% of women use porn as a turn-on. This is a modern phenomemom. Often women look at their partners computers to see what they’re watching and find they like it too. When it comes to men, 40% worry porn is addictive. It is addictive, especially for men, because there’s no effort…unlike sex.

18% have been unfaithful to their partner. That goes for men and women. But 75% wouldn’t forgive their partner if they cheated. There’s a grey area over whether cybersex is cheating. Ask yourself, would my partner be upset if they could see what I’m doing now? If it’s yes, you’re doing something wrong.

by Susan Floyd


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