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Parents let their kids rule the roost

In previous decades, the norm was for children to remain silent while parents made decisions that suited their preferences, often without including their kids in the discussion.

However, recent research indicates that parents are now prioritizing their children’s needs and desires when it comes to significant family decisions, thanks to a more child-centric culture.

A striking 90% of parents interviewed revealed that they typically involve their children in family decision-making processes, regardless of the children’s ages.

Parents are bending over backwaqrds for their spoilt children

The study, conducted by Best Western Hotels, found that children often have a say in what the family watches on TV, where to go on holiday, what to have for dinner, and even how to spend their days out.

Nearly 75% of the 2,000 parents surveyed reported that they motivate their children to express their feelings candidly, whether those feelings are positive or negative.

In contrast, 65% of parents from a previous generation confessed they neither had the opportunity nor the inclination to participate in family decision-making during their youth.

Consequently, today’s children are said to grow up expecting, and mostly receiving, what they desire, according to the parents.

Yet, the overwhelming majority of parents do not view this as a negative trend: 77% believe that their children are likely to achieve much more than they did because they are accustomed to participating in family decisions from an early age.

‘Parents have always aimed for the best for their kids,’ remarked Tim Wade, Director of Marketing for Best Western.

‘Our customers indicate that their children are significantly more astute now; they have a clear understanding of their desires from a young age and feel encouraged to express them. They play a role in major purchasing decisions, which wasn’t the case before.

‘When today’s parents were children, this was quite rare. Children were often considered an afterthought in family activities.

‘Now they are central to every family endeavor, and their preferences often hold as much, if not more, influence than those of their parents. Modern kids are savvy; they know what they want early on and are urged to voice those desires.’

by Susan Floyd


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