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Like it or not, we all fantasise about someone else during sex

Who were you envisioning during your intimate moments last night?

According to a study published in the Journal of Sex Research, it may not have been your partner. Ninety-nine percent of men in relationships and eighty percent of women in relationships admitted to fantasizing about someone other than their partner in the last two months.

Dr. Scott Haltzman, the author of The Secrets of Happily Married Women, stated, “Men have a roster of images they use for fantasizing, and they’re constantly adding new ones to the mix.”

Well, let me share something with you, doctor. I have a whole vault of images at my disposal! I doubt there’s a single man or woman who hasn’t entertained thoughts about someone else, whether solo or while engaged with a partner.

I believe that variety is the spice of life, provided it remains just that. As long as your partner is still warming your bed and not someone else’s, then LET THE FANTASIZING COMMENCE!

To be fair, if your partner had the physique of Gerard Butler during the filming of 300, completely ripped, you WOULD be thinking about your partner… But not everyone is fortunate enough for that, and sometimes, a stroll into a far-off fantasy is necessary. My preferred destination is Mancandyland, where all my desired companions await my arrival.

by Susan Floyd


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