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Is your partner unfaithful?

Are you certain that your partner understands the relationship to be monogamous?

Think twice about that assumption. A survey conducted with 434 young couples revealed that 40% held differing views.

In some cases, one partner claimed they had agreed to exclusivity while the other denied ever discussing it.

Deceit, deceit, deceit. It’s a universal trait. Even minor untruths are common. Often, we lie to spare someone’s feelings. Or perhaps it’s the case that, despite being in a solid and healthy relationship, you still cherish your independence. You might have simply gone to the store for some ice cream, even though you promised your partner you’d avoid it since you’ve gained a few pounds.

However, deceit is not that straightforward. Certain partners may be so intrusive that it becomes unbearably frustrating; you might feel as if you can’t even use the restroom without being interrogated about your whereabouts.

So here’s the truth: If you suspect your partner has been unfaithful, it’s likely that you believe they have. Yet, whether or not they actually have been unfaithful is secondary… because, in your mind, they already are.

Understand your desires in a relationship… and know your identity.

by Susan Floyd


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