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Dieting and exercise won’t stop you being fat

It is commonly stated that diet and exercise alone cannot eliminate stubborn fat deposits. However, naturopath Max Tomlinson disagrees with this notion.

For the last 25 years, he has successfully operated a fat spot reduction program at his clinic in London, specifically focusing on what he refers to as ‘weird, disproportionate fat deposits’ that often frustrate many of his clients.

‘I encounter young women who have adhered to strict diets and exercise routines to reduce a large bottom, only to find that weight loss occurs in their chests and faces, along with menopausal women who typically accumulate fat in their stomachs and under their upper arms as they grow older,’ he explains.

Max posits that the reason fat settles in certain areas is frequently tied to hormonal factors.

‘A wide array of processes within the body is regulated by hormones, which in turn dictate where fat is stored,’ he states.

Issues emerge because many individuals experience hormonal imbalances attributed to poor diet, stress, environmental toxins, and insufficient effective exercise.

Max asserts that every troublesome fat spot (be it stomach fat, bra-bulge, excess thigh and bottom fat, or ‘bingo wings’) results from the influence of a specific hormone either being active or inactive.

He is convinced that by addressing your unique hormonal imbalance through a customized approach involving diet, exercise, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments, it is possible to eliminate those stubborn fat deposits.

He suggests adopting a healthy Mediterranean-style diet (rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, a small amount of meat, healthy oils, while avoiding sugar, junk food, with minimal dairy and alcohol), taking a daily multi-vitamin and mineral, as well as fish oil capsules and following a consistent exercise regimen.

However, the recommendations for addressing each specific fat spot are meticulously tailored to rectify the hormonal imbalance that may be contributing to it. Below, he outlines strategies for tackling these challenging areas.


Fat spilling over the back and sides of your jeans may indicate an issue with the hormone insulin, responsible for regulating blood sugar levels and leading to undesirable fat deposits above the hips.

A diet high in sugar compels the body to release insulin (to clear sugar from the bloodstream). Over time, if sugar consumption remains elevated, cells may begin to resist insulin’s effects resulting in increased insulin output, elevated glucose in the bloodstream, and the formation of stubborn fat deposits.

ACTION PLAN: To regulate insulin production and reduce ‘love handles’, it is crucial to manage your sugar and carbohydrate intake. Thus, adhere to a Mediterranean diet while steering clear of sugary foods and quick-digesting carbohydrates (such as alcohol, white bread, cookies, cakes, chips, crisps, processed sugary cereals, rice, sweets, and soft drinks).

Incorporate foods abundant in antioxidants (to help mitigate damage from free radicals and improve insulin sensitivity), such as cinnamon, cloves, turmeric, fresh herbs, chili, cranberries, blueberries, broccoli, and green tea.

Alongside multi-vitamins and fish oil, consider adding supplements like chromium (excellent for managing blood sugar levels), magnesium, zinc (which aids insulin binding to cellular receptors), and glucomannan fiber in water, which helps enhance blood-glucose control and lower cholesterol levels.


Excess fat spilling over the edges of your bra may suggest a sluggish thyroid. This gland regulates how efficiently your body burns calories from food. A poorly functioning thyroid can contribute to bra-bulge fat as well as overall weight gain, fatigue, and depressive symptoms.

ACTION PLAN: Certain raw foods can disrupt the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, so it is advisable to limit their consumption.Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, swede, turnips, peaches, soya bean products, spinach, and strawberries can contain harmful compounds. However, cooking these foods seems to deactivate those negative effects.

To promote thyroid health, increase your intake of iodine and selenium by consuming Brazil nuts, brown rice, garlic, kelp, liver, onions, salmon, tuna, wheatgerm, and wholegrains.

Don’t forget to relax — the hormone cortisol, when elevated due to stress, can disrupt thyroid function. Additionally, opt for fluoride-free toothpaste, as fluoride may imitate the action of certain thyroid hormones.


The accumulation of fat on the underside of your upper arms can result from declining testosterone levels as women age. Enhancing testosterone levels, in conjunction with focused exercise, can help reshape the arms.

ACTION PLAN: Engage in sexual activity more often! Falling in love can elevate your testosterone levels, while regular intimate encounters signal the body to produce more of the hormone.

Make sure you’re getting sufficient sleep, as this is crucial for maximizing testosterone production.

Take time to relax and de-stress — stress has been shown to hinder testosterone production.

Lack of physical activity can also suppress testosterone levels; however, weight-bearing exercises (like weight lifting) prompt muscles to signal for additional energy and testosterone.

Eliminate sugar and refined carbohydrates from your diet, since elevated blood sugar can negatively impact testosterone production. Still, avoid starving yourself, as prolonged calorie restriction can further diminish hormone levels.

Increase your intake of healthy fats, which are essential for testosterone production, found in oily fish like salmon, linseed, and avocados.


The hormone oestrogen in females encourages fat storage around the upper legs, and many of us encounter high levels of both natural (found in water and farmed meat) and synthetic oestrogens (present in plastics and non-stick coatings) in our environment.

ACTION PLAN: Incorporate more fruits, vegetables, and wholegrains into your diet, as these contain beneficial substances that help to bind and excrete excess oestrogen.

Limit alcohol intake, painkillers, and beverages rich in chemical preservatives and coloring agents, as these can hinder the liver’s ability to eliminate surplus oestrogens.

Consume live natural yogurt to enhance the friendly bacteria in your gut, which assist in clearing oestrogen through the gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, consider reducing coffee consumption; studies indicate that caffeine from more than two cups daily can elevate oestrogen levels in women.


A protruding stomach may signal an issue with the adrenal glands and excessive production of cortisol. Chronic unmanaged stress leads to overproduction of cortisol, which can elevate blood glucose levels. Consequently, this stimulates insulin release, causing the body to store surplus glucose as persistent fat deposits around the abdomen.

The primary dietary offender is an overabundance of sugar-based calories, particularly from alcohol and refined (white) grains and flours.

ACTION PLAN: Find ways to unwind — anything that allows you to relax decreases stress and breaks the hormonal cycle that encourages belly fat accumulation. Research demonstrates that resting can also reduce cravings for calorie-dense foods.

Stabilize blood glucose levels amidst stress-triggered cortisol spikes. Enhance your diet with slow-release, low-GI foods (including wholegrains, vegetables, pulses, fish, and meat), and refrain from consuming high-GI foods (like processed items, cereals, sugar, dairy products, dried fruit, beer, wine, fruit juice, and coffee).

Moderate exercise can alleviate stress, but avoid overexertion.

by Susan Floyd


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