The simple things in life are the best. From having a laugh to feeling the warmth of the sun on your face.
Most of us enjoy a good giggle above any other of life’s pleasures, according to a new survey. And it doesn’t cost a penny. In an increasingly materialistic world, it is family, friends and the beauty of nature that seem to make people happiest.
Twenty-two per cent of those questioned chose laughter as their most important pleasure, and sharing great food with great friends second on 21%. Receiving a hug was in third place with 19%.
The other top pleasures were feeling the sun on your face, taking time out with a good book, walking on the beach, lying in freshly laundered sheets, watching a spectacular sunset, reminising over old photographs and catching the smell of freshly cut grass.
More than 2000 people were asked to name simple things that make life pleasurable. Ralph Walker, head of marketing for Apples from New Zealand, which organised the survey said, “It seems that in an overly complicated and stressful world we’re looking for ways to re-connect with what really matters. It’s the simple things in life that do not cost us anything which seem to bring us the most happiness”.
by Susan Floyd