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Obsessed mum is off her trolley

Despite being so ugly that they verge on cuteness, when the fad for trolls faded, one dedicated mother continued her quest for collection… endlessly.

Troll Collector

Now, nearly 30 years later, Michelle Kerrins boasts over 3,000 of these quirky, spiky-haired plastic figurines that have completely filled her home.

Trolley DollyWhenever her husband Dean voices his frustration, the 38-year-old mother of one simply puts on her troll bikini and playfully engages with him.

On occasions, she has even worn a troll mask to bed but insists that the mask has no influence on any romantic moments. ‘Trolls make me really happy when they are all looking at me,’ she shared.

As a gymnastics instructor, Michelle has created her own ‘troll sanctuary’ – a spare bedroom that serves as a display for her vast collection – where she dedicates several hours each day.

‘I find them so ugly that they become cute. I appreciate the unusual things in life. I can never collect enough troll dolls.’


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