A new Millipede has been uncovered.
This specimen is identified as male, while a female has yet to be discovered.
Discovered in a cave in California, this arthropod possesses 414 legs and 4 penises. Interestingly, its 9th and 10th pairs of legs have, for lack of a better term, been ‘converted’ into the millipede equivalent of penises, known as Gonopods. They resemble spiky shovels and are likely used to transfer sperm from males to females. This could be confirmed if a female were actually present to receive the sperm.
The millipede was found in Lange Cave, a marble cave located in Sequoia.
Since 2002, a ‘cave’ survey has been conducted in the surrounding area. In 2006, another millipede species was found just 240 km away from the one with four penises, which boasted an impressive 750 legs – claiming the title of the ‘leggiest’ millipede on Earth.
Clearly, this region is a hotspot for discovering new millipede species.
The ‘Time 4 Penis Millipede’ features several hundred pores, which secrete an unidentified chemical.
In summary, this millipede not only has 4 penises and transfers sperm to females, but it can also engage in chemical warfare if it feels threatened…lovely little creature…
Eddie the Emu