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Gay marriage may be bad for future eventualities

This week, I found the news fascinating, particularly the viewpoint that Gay marriage could spell disaster for Australia.

Fifty years ago, the gay population constituted a modest segment of the adult voting minority. Currently, however, the increase over the years has been substantial. If this trend continues, we could potentially see half of the population identifying as gay by the end of the century.

Don’t fret over statistics…it’s unlikely to happen…it’s merely numerical speculation. Nonetheless, the assertion that gay marriage threatens to dismantle the fabric of society is a genuine concern. If we define society as comprising men, women, and children, then gay men are unable to procreate, thus not able to ensure the continuation of the species.

While gay women can bear children, they require a male donor for that. The argument that men can adopt children and women can use men’s sperm suggests that gay marriage does not align with the traditional paths for population growth.

Homosexuality has existed throughout history, but when has it been readily accepted? Now, it seeks to alter societal norms through marriage. As the viewpoint articulated this week indicates, this could be a precarious road to navigate. For many religions, marriage is considered sacred; nonetheless, we haven’t witnessed a significant rise in opposition to legislative approval of gay marriage.

A more in-depth discussion is necessary to foster a better understanding of future developments from both perspectives.

by Professor P. T. Brown


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