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Adam the Atheist – Lessons from the Bible

Hi there. I’m Adam (which is indeed my name). While my last name isn’t Atheist, I do identify as an atheist…and I have my reasons for it. 

I’m just an everyday individual who doesn’t subscribe to any religious beliefs – please…continue reading.

Let me share an unusual story from the Bible that doesn’t often receive much attention.

This tale from Genesis is quite peculiar, particularly due to its bewildering take on genetic inheritance. In essence, Laban is seizing all of Jacob’s cherished striped and spotted cattle, leaving Jacob with nothing but plain-colored cattle, which he clearly finds unsatisfactory. Thus, Jacob hatches a clever scheme…he takes some sticks and starts painting them with stripes. He then positions these sticks next to his cattle.

Maybe this story should be 'Jacob and his amazing techni-coloured cow'Jacob believes that if his cattle gaze at the striped sticks during mating, they will give birth to striped offspring (yes, I do feel the need to remind you that men wrote the Bible…approximately 70 years after Jesus supposedly died on the cross…I’ll be doing this frequently in the upcoming weeks, assuming Ozzie News keeps me employed).

One would anticipate that this absurd scheme would fail and Jacob would learn a lesson about…I don’t know…not being a spoiled brat or something similar…but NO…it actually succeeds. The cattle produce striped young, leaving Jacob pleased.

What on earth is happening here? Anyone with a basic grasp of genetics understands that this is, without a doubt, utter nonsense. Strangely, this story appears to lack any purpose or moral…it’s simply present…most likely penned by some eccentric old man with a lengthy beard donning rat-skin sandals.

I can’t help but ponder, how many scientists with painted sticks tried to replicate this phenomenon before someone finally said, “I don’t want to be a stick in the mud, but I suspect this might be a fictional tale.”

No further comments to make other than…complete rubbish.

Adam the Atheist


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