For those unfamiliar with me, I’m Adam…and I’m an atheist.
An intriguing story can be found in Matthew 21:19; Mark 11:13-14.
While walking from Bethany, Jesus starts to feel hungry. He comes across a fig tree, but alas, it is without fruit as it’s the wrong season for figs. Frustrated, Jesus orders the fig tree to produce fruit, but it remains silent.
Indeed, Jesus, no matter how powerful you believe yourself to be…trees do not possess the ability to speak. Did your father forget to inform you of this universal truth when he crafted the world and everything in it?
So, in a surprisingly impulsive move, Jesus curses the fig tree to die…which strikes me as quite un-Christian. Considering the numerous wars that have arisen over Christianity and broader religious issues…perhaps this behavior is at the root of all that animosity. Regardless of my opinion, it certainly appears as an overreaction from someone who comes across as rather sulky.
This narrative is peculiar for various reasons, primarily its trivial impact on the overall story of Jesus and the severity of his response. Sure, we all become a tad irritable when hungry, but this unfortunate fig tree had done nothing wrong. It seems like a misuse of authority to me.
What’s the takeaway from this story? Yet again, there doesn’t seem to be one. This narrative appears largely insignificant and lacking purpose, yet both Mark and Matthew deemed it worthy of mention, suggesting it holds some degree of importance.
The conclusion I can draw is…don’t defy Jesus, particularly if you’re a tree…oh, and perhaps avoid placing too much faith in the Bible, as we can all observe…it’s quite nonsensical.
by Adam the Atheist