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A good wanking done by someone else helps RLS

While some believe it can lead to blindness, others counter that the lights are off regardless, and sleep is a necessity.

Indeed, we’re discussing masturbation and later, how increasing its frequency might be beneficial for your health.

This is especially true if you experience Restless Leg Syndrome, a condition that is equally perplexing in both scientific communities and those who assert they have it.

Characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move or spasm in the limbs, Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) predominantly impacts the legs and is particularly troublesome during attempts to sleep.

Sufferers often experience a build-up of tickling or burning sensations that culminate in spasms of the affected limb, which then subside only to reoccur.

It’s not uncommon for individuals with RLS—who experience a broad spectrum of symptoms—to describe it as agonizing.

The scientific world, however, approaches this matter with skepticism. Identifying the specific causes of RLS in each individual can be quite challenging, and treatments may vary from relaxation methods to reducing caffeine intake and enhancing physical activity.

There’s a notable concern regarding pharmaceutical companies that may attempt to develop and promote “cures” for RLS through online platforms and by sponsoring support groups.

Certain medications have shown efficacy and receive endorsement from health authorities. An example of such medication includes dopamines.

Fortunately, the human body is capable of producing a steady supply of dopamine, a subject of further exploration by Luis Martin and his team at Sao Paulo’s Federal University.

Now, here comes the discussion about masturbation.

In the latest issue of Sleep Science, Professor Marin refers to research conducted at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands, which indicates that ejaculation in men floods their brains with dopamine.

“Manual penile stimulation was performed by the volunteer’s female partner,” the study notes, with the primary aim of eliciting “a wide variety of rewarding behaviors”.

“Similarities are drawn between ejaculation and heroin rush,” it concludes.

Professor Luis suggests that this could be an uncomplicated method for men to replicate the effects of RLS treatment medications, without incurring the expenses and side effects associated with dopamine agonists, one of which curiously includes problematic gambling.

Moreover, you might want to inform your partner that, believe it or not, consuming jizz can actually serve as a decent source of vitamin D. So, if sunlight is in short supply, feel free to indulge as much as you like.

Therefore, if you find yourself in bed, twitching and unable to drift off to sleep, why not just go with the flow?

A quick hand shandy is certainly harmless and, who knows, it may even help distract you from the gaming tables…but of course, it won’t steer your thoughts away from other desires.

by Jeff Millins



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