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On this day…in 1979

For the New York City Police Department and Medical Examiner’s Office, he was John Simon Ritchie, a 22-year-old Englishman facing murder charges, now deceased from a heroin overdose in a Greenwich Village apartment. Meanwhile, the broader world knew him as Sid Vicious, the former bassist of the infamous Sex Pistols and a quintessential representation of the punk rock ethos.

His death, which likely surprised very few, occurred on this date in 1979.

Sid Vicious joined the Sex Pistols as the last member, stepping in for the dismissed bassist Glen Matlock in early 1977. What he notably lacked in his contributions was musical talent. Vicious managed to fake his performances in early shows, with reports suggesting that his amplifier was sometimes even unplugged by bandmates during gigs.

However, the attitude he possessed did not require any pretense.

Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungeon, who he has meant to have killed

Vicious epitomized the punk aesthetic, a street youth who truly wandered the streets of London adorned with a swastika on his chest, a padlocked chain around his neck, and an enormous chip on his shoulder. Critic and author Alan Jones described him succinctly: “Sid, on image alone, is what all punk rests on.”

During his seventh month as a Sex Pistol, Sid Vicious met a troubled American girl, Nancy Spungen, within the London punk scene. Their relationship quickly blossomed, leading to tragic outcomes for both. Reports suggest that although they were deeply in love, their shared heroin addiction fueled cycles of violence between them.

Sid’s addiction may have played a significant role in the breakup of the Sex Pistols during their first U.S. tour in January 1978, and it undeniably contributed to the enigmatic events surrounding Nancy’s stabbing death on October 12 that same year in their shared Chelsea Hotel room in New York City.

After being released on bail following his arrest for Nancy’s murder, Sid found himself back in jail in December 1978 for assaulting Patti Smith’s brother in a bar with a broken bottle.

Following seven weeks of detox and detention at Rikers Island, Vicious secured bail once more on February 1, 1979. Later that night, at a party, he injected heroin, which the Medical Examiner would eventually determine to be around 80% pure.

Sid Vicious passed away in the early hours of February 2, 1979.


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