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On this day…2nd May

In 1194, Portsmouth receives its first Royal Charter from King Richard I of England.

Anne Boleyn is taken to the Tower of London following her arrest in 1536.

The first binary star, Xi Ursae Majoris, is discovered by William Herschel in 1780.

Captain Charles Fremantle of HMS Challenger declares the Swan River Colony in Western Australia after anchoring nearby in 1829.

Captain Charles Fremantle

In 1833, public sale of serfs is banned by Russian Tsar Nicholas I.

‘Good Housekeeping’ magazine makes its debut in 1885.

The celluloid photographic film, used in Thomas Edison’s Kinetoscope, is patented by Hannibal Goodwin in 1887.

In 1906, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia dismisses his moderate Prime Minister Witte, replacing him with conservative bureaucrat Ivan Goremykin.

Billie Holiday (14) and her mother are arrested for prostitution in Harlem following a raid on a brothel in 1929.

Sergei Prokofiev’s musical, ‘Peter and the Wolf’, has its premiere in Moscow in 1936.

In 1936, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie and his family flee Abyssinia.

The ‘Battle of Alcatraz’ occurs in 1946, resulting in the deaths of two guards and three inmates.

Also in 1946, the film ‘The Postman Always Rings Twice’, directed by Tay Garnett and starring Lana Turner and John Garfield, is released.

Arthur Miller wins the Pulitzer Prize in 1949 for his work, ‘Death of a Salesman’.

Israeli television begins its transmissions in 1968.

The premiere of ‘Quadrophenia’ takes place in London in 1979.

In 1980, the song ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ by Pink Floyd faces a ban in South Africa.

During the Falklands War in 1982, the British submarine Conqueror sinks the Argentine cruiser General Belgrano, resulting in the deaths of over 350 men.

Jackson Pollock’s artwork ‘Search’ is sold for $4,800,000 in 1988.

In 1997, police apprehend trans-sexual prostitute Atisone Seiuli alongside Eddie Murphy.

In 2011, Osama bin Laden, identified as the suspected mastermind behind the September 11 attacks and listed as the FBI’s most wanted individual, is killed by US Special Forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan.


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