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Governments rely too much on donations

Like I do, I assume you receive emails regularly seeking your support in selling raffle tickets or contributing to deserving causes.

In addition, there are TV commercials featuring the underprivileged in Africa or Asia appealing for our financial support, addressing issues like clean water, hunger, and of course, disease.

Frequently, I find myself pondering why the wealthy individuals and governments don’t allocate funds to address these issues.

Typically, I end up making a small donation to charities such as heart associations, cancer foundations, leukaemia support, and the RSPCA. But what can I, along with all the other Australians, truly do to combat disease, famine, and hunger in the developing world?

Well, let me share what we can all do.

We should reach out to our politicians and insist they allocate funds more judiciously. It’s a matter of choosing to support another politician who will pay attention.

You might wonder what spurred this line of thinking. It was the news from the USA. They proudly reported landing a robot on Mars (and it came at the expense of billions of dollars). If they have billions available, then why am I receiving calls imploring my assistance?

Going forward, please direct all requests for money to the USA.

People are not experiencing starvation on Mars…neither do they suffer from terminal illnesses… and currently, they are not engaged in warfare… but give it time… especially if they discover oil.

Just explain this to me, “Is all that expenditure truly justified, or is there a lack of concern for the sick and starving on our planet?”

I’ve turned my phone off.

No more requests for money, please… I’ve had my fill of nonsense for today.

A Mars a day helps you work, rest, and……?

by Danny Mason


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