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The winner to the ‘Classic One-Liner’ quiz

This little competition took some time to kick off…but eventually, we received numerous entries, prompting us to keep the competition open a bit longer.

We’ll start by revealing the answers, followed by the announcement of the winner and their score.

1. We’re gonna need a bigger boat. – JAWS

2. She places the lotion in the basket. – SILENCE OF THE LAMBS

3. That should keep ‘em in curries for a week. – OCTOPUSSY

4. Say hello to my little friend. – SCARFACE

5. All my life, I always wanted to be a gangster. – GOODFELLAS

6. Water burn baby, water burn baby, water burn baby ! – RAIN MAN

7. You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? – BATMAN

8. I want my fucking cigarettes…now ! – ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOOS NEST

9. This is my exact inner structure done in a T-shirt. – THIS IS SPINAL TAP

10. I want to roll you up into a little ball and stick you in my vagina. – STEPBROTHERS

11. I’d almost forgotten what your eyes look like. They’re still the same…piss-holes in the snow. – GET CARTER

12. A wee lassie gets glassed, and not one of you cunts wants to know what cunt did it. – TRAINSPOTTING

13. You stop me again when I’m walking, and I’ll cut your fucking Jacobs off. – SNATCH

14. Stay away from her you bitch ! – ALIENS

15. Froggy loves Daddy…Daddy loves froggy. – BLAZING SADDLES

16. Fix bayonets ! – LOVE, HONOUR AND OBEY

17. Even a stopped clock tells the time twice a day. – WITHNAIL & I

18. You should see the toast…I couldn’t even get it through the front door. – UNCLE BUCK

19. The little girl…I want to buy the little girl…how much for the little girl ? – THE BLUES BROTHERS

20. I’m not gonna hurt you…I’m just gonna bash your fucking brains in. – THE SHINING

21. I’ll shoot for the Queen, and you can shoot for…whomever. – UNFORGIVEN

22. There ain’t a star in heaven that we can’t reach. – HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL

23. Shut the roof (of the car), it’s fucking freezing. – SCHINDLER’S LIST

24. You are such an ass-hole. – ROADHOUSE

25. I carried a watermelon. – DIRTY DANCING

26. That’s my name, don’t wear it out. – GREASE

27. Gimme some sugar, baby. – ARMY OF DARKNESS

28. Have some Pecan Pie…Pecan Pie…Pecan Pie… – WHEN HARRY MET SALLY


30. I’ve been told…do, do, do, do…Some people round here…do, do, do, do… – ROCKY III

Those were the thirty classic one-liners.

You may have found question 3 somewhat challenging, while question 24 proved tricky due to multiple films featuring the phrase ‘You’re such an asshole.’ We took that into consideration, and if Roadhouse wasn’t your answer, we would have accepted Frank Bannister from The Frighteners…among a few others.

However, the one quote that stumped everyone was number 30.

We received a significant number of entries (more than we expected), with just one individual correctly answering 29 out of 30.

His name is Richard Clarkson (34), hailing from Adelaide, SA.

Congratulations, Richard! More quizzes will be coming your way up until the Christmas break. Following that, a name will be drawn from a hat. The selected name will receive a variety of gifts/prizes…we’re serious…details will follow soon as we finalize the main prize.

Kudos to all, and remember…you must be in it to win it!

by Helena Bryanlith


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