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Snoop Dogg/Lion will educate children about weed

Children in American Football will receive coaching from Snoop Dogg, who will also provide education on marijuana.

The rapper intends to share his passion for…marijuana with the eight and nine-year-olds under his guidance at the Orange County Junior All America Football League.

Snoop Dogg or Snoop Lion, whatever he's called, just loves his weed

The hip-hop icon, who has transformed into reggae artist Snoop Lion, clarified: “It’s not that I would ever push weed on our kids.

“But if they were interested, I would love to show them the proper way. That way, they won’t get anything harmful or experience an overdose by trying something that isn’t safe.”

So dedicated is Snoop to the cause of weed education that he plans to read a book to his students titled It’s Just A Plant: A Children’s Story Of Marijuana.

The story features a young girl who learns about the “awesomeness” of cannabis from her parents.

Snoop expressed: “Believe it or not, they need to know.”

by Milo Johnson


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