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See you in 4 years, Paris

PARIS HILTON’s assertion that the purse containing cocaine found during her drug arrest was not hers could face serious challenges due to a photograph shared on Twitter.

The 29-year-old socialite informed the authorities that the bag from which the drugs fell during her interrogation by Las Vegas police was borrowed from a friend.

Additionally, she argued that the purse was not sufficiently CLASSY to belong to her.

However, in July – merely a month prior to her arrest in Sin City alongside boyfriend CY WAITS, 34 – Paris had posted a photo of a strikingly similar Chanel purse on Twitter.

Accompanying the image, the social media enthusiast wrote the enthusiastic message: “Love My New Chanel Purse I Got Today.”

The handbag closely resembles the one the blonde was spotted holding just before her Vegas arrest last weekend.

According to police, it doesn’t matter whether Paris owns the purse, as the drugs were found in her possession.

Nonetheless, a prominent Vegas attorney suggested that the Twitter picture might still have significance. He remarked: “It’s pretty strong evidence for the prosecution.”

Paris was taken into custody early Saturday morning after officers detected what they believed to be marijuana emanating from her vehicle.

When the cocaine fell out, she told the police she had borrowed the purse and assumed the packet contained chewing gum.

The heiress has been arrested “for possession of a controlled substance cocaine” and subsequently faced charges. The police report indicated that authorities discovered 0.8 grams. If convicted, she could potentially face up to four years in prison.

However, Paris’s attorney has indicated that she may have been subjected to an unlawful search. Furthermore, it has been suggested that police did not perform a blood test, which could have benefitted her defense.

On Twitter, Paris has maintained her innocence, tweeting: “I know the truth.” Earlier this summer, charges were dropped after the star was detained on suspicions of smoking cannabis during the World Cup.

Although that drug was ultimately discovered in her handbag, the quantity was deemed too insignificant to warrant prosecution.


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