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Nigella, there’s no need for the burkini

A multitude of excuses have emerged regarding Nigella Lawson’s appearance as a beached whale on Bondi Beach a few weeks ago. She claimed to be modest, protecting her skin from the sun, etc., etc…

It’s hard to accept that a woman who regularly displays her assets and has a signature style of sensually licking her fingers would choose such attire purely for modesty. Additionally, that Bri-Nylon monstrosity surely wasn’t intended for sun protection…a tube of Factor 50 would have sufficed.

I suspect the underlying truth is that Nigella has indulged too much and is now overweight…or as many would say…fat. Her curves have seemingly transformed into large spare tyres, likely due to her celebrated Gooey Chocolaty Puddings.

I would wager she covered up to avoid ‘fat’ images of herself spreading around the globe. Furthermore, isn’t black supposed to create a slimmer appearance?

Listen Nigella, you are a TV cook…which likely means that during filming, your food consumption increases. Like many of us, upon reaching 38 and beyond, we tend to become lazier, needing to exercise more frequently while also being even more cautious about our diets. You needn’t be overly vain…many of us have faced similar journeys…some continue to do so.

However, someone ought to inform her that even a few spare tyres would be preferable to what she is currently doing. Instead of concealing her weight gain, she has now brought global attention to it.

by Debbie Dot


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