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Introducing the C-String

Does this align with our ‘emerging technology’ tagline?

It’s difficult to determine. It does seem to be emerging from a certain context.

For ladies who find g-strings too confining or prefer to wear ultra-sheer dresses while battling the persistent issue of visible panty lines, the C-String is now an available choice. Although the name suggests a “string,” onlookers can certainly “C” quite everything, including an unusual rear appearance resembling a pencil wedged between the wearer’s buttocks.

Yet, despite its provocative appearance… there’s nothing for either men or women to tug at or place their hands beneath.

This may come off as somewhat absurd, but I truly fail to understand the rationale behind wearing a c-string, as it feels akin to having nothing on at all.

In my opinion, a classic G-String is infinitely more appealing.

Eventually, someone will likely take the concept of “less is more” in women’s lingerie to its extreme and start marketing lacy postage stamps.

Until then, there remains the C-String.

by Harry Harper


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