I know I promised to remain silent until the Oscar films were released over Christmas, but the first one is already out.
By now, everyone should be aware that film-makers tend to wait until Christmas and New Year to roll out films they believe have a chance at nomination. Most of the great films were released months ago.
I continue to believe that Sessions will garner a few awards. However, with the latest film anticipated for Oscar nominations now in theaters…I mean…the film based on the play, which is an adaptation of the book, and also a musical…yes, it’s Les Misérables.
As expected, the leads are reliable. The storyline is widely known, and we all know how it concludes. I am confident that this film has been crafted by the behind-the-scenes crew of a British soap opera…such as Eastenders. It presents a gloomy atmosphere with melancholic actors and dispirited viewers. By the end of the film, I half-expected to see Dirty Den falling into the canal.
Prepare for a spectacular film from Clooney to make an appearance soon, along with a French or foreign film vying for a nomination.
If the actress from Black Swan receives another nomination for Les Misérables, then it might be time for Helen Hunt to pack her bags and take on skydiving.
Wishing a Merry Christmas to everyone who skipped out on the gloom.
by Helena Bryanlith