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DVD Derek reviews…

To hire…well…something different, I visited the video store.

I ended up picking a Simon Pegg DVD. I actually enjoy his films, though I must say that “Fear of Everything” didn’t really showcase his best work.

Simon Pegg in A Fantastic Fear Of EverythingWhile it has the vibe of an old Ealing Comedy, it lacks a quality script. The film attempted to cover a wide array of topics – neurosis, psychiatry, pathos, family tragedy, comedy, and even cartoons.

Nonetheless, Simon Pegg delivered a strong performance, and his ability to choose perfect actresses for his films is commendable.

I will eagerly anticipate his next project. He exhibits bravery in exploring new genres to showcase his talents.

There were indeed a few moments in the film that highlighted Pegg’s unique sense of humor, and I found myself laughing. Simon is a significantly underappreciated actor. I expect that a genius will emerge from his work as he gains more experience. Being a great learner, he has the ideal example of classic comedies in Ealing to help him reach his full potential.

Could he be the next Hancock, or perhaps even Hitchcock?

by DVD Derek


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