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Dr Drew predicts trouble with Angelina Jolie’s addiction

In the Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt household, things are not as they appear, warns rehab expert Dr. Drew Pinsky.

During the promotion for his upcoming HLN talk show Dr. Drew, he discussed the “nuclear eruption” anticipated for the couple.

The initial concern is Angelina.

According to Dr. Drew, “There’s no such thing as ‘I was a heroin addict.’ That concept doesn’t exist in nature. There’s something happening with her addiction, or she’s in recovery. However, I don’t observe any evidence indicating that. Thus, we have one individual who is a heroin addict.”

Adding to the mix is Brad, who exhibits a “demeaning attitude towards other people’s emotions.”

He notes that the actor has made comments like, “Well, Jennifer Aniston was into long-term relationships, that’s just her way of looking at things.”

Combining these two creates “a truly volatile situation. They are continuously generating circumstances to bind them together. When a meltdown occurs, it will be phenomenal.”

by Milo Johnson


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