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DiCaprio is off acting, some say he never has

Taking a “long, long break” from acting is Leonardo DiCaprio’s intention.

At 38 years old, the actor has completed three films over two years and expresses that the demanding pace has left him exhausted.

In addition to the Oscar-nominated film Django Unchained, DiCaprio is featured in the upcoming adaptations of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street.

The actor from The Departed stated: “I’m a little bit drained. I am now going to take a long, long break.”

However, he won’t be spending his time indulging in his favorite activities like yacht cruises or enjoying the company of Victoria’s Secrets models.

Instead, he intends to concentrate on environmental issues during his time off.

Leo remarked: “I would like to improve the world a bit.”

by Helena Bryanlith


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