Alec Baldwin responds to homophobic rant

Alec Baldwin is “shocked” that his outburst on Twitter, in which he called Daily Mail’s George Stark a “queen,” should have brought a disaproving response from one particular CNN host.

Anderson Cooper and Alec Baldwin

The former 30 Rock star appeared as a guest on Howard Stern’s radio show today and talked about his recent Twitter rant, which Anderson Cooper called homophobic.

When asked about the situation by Stern, Baldwin began to say, “Anderson Cooper decides to, to, to, to…”

“He attacked you!” Stern interrupted, apparently trying to stir the pot.

“Whatever word you want to use, I’m not going to say ‘attacked,'” Baldwin said, “That was the one that shocked me the most.”

“Anderson Cooper said that he felt that you were being homophobic in your comments on Twitter,” the radio host explained.

“But he used another word. He used ‘despicable,'” Baldwin added (although Cooper didn’t say that), and continued to mention that he would say, “Nothing, actually,” to Cooper, should the two ever meet.


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