Dear Lily,
My boyfriend continuously talks about the possibility of inviting another woman into our relationship. Although I don’t fundamentally have an issue with the idea, he specifically wants to invite my mother for this role. Is it correct for him to say that I’m merely being old-fashioned?
Lily says – There was a time when I made the mistake of having Louise Barr and Mary Ferguson over to play with my Barbie Mansion, but by the time I returned with some party-sized Mars bars, they had secretly teamed up and chosen to dress up instead. My efforts to get them back on track to the original, much more fun plan grew quite intense, and I must admit that I did attempt to shove Mary’s head into Barbie’s garage, resulting in some minor scarring to her face and neck. However, this didn’t justify Louise taking that moment to dismember my favorite Barbie and stomp on her pink Cadillac while I was distracted. From that experience, I learned that three is certainly a crowd. Additionally, keep in mind that if you confront two people simultaneously, your chances of winning diminish significantly, even if you manage to deliver a few solid pinches and a good old Chinese burn.
Hope that helps!